Braunschweig: OeTTINGER support is catching on

Braunschweig: OeTTINGER support is catching on

  • Supporting others
  • 16. February 2018

Four times a year the OeTTINGER Brewery donates €2500 to societies and associations for social projects in which brewery members of staff are involved in their leisure time. In this way, OeTTINGER is supporting the voluntary dedication of its members of staff. The areas funded are wide and varied and include sporting, cultural and charitable purposes.

This quarter, employee development at the OeTTINGER site in Lower Saxony is truly catching on. André Funke works as a volunteer for the Heinrich-Alberts-Schule e.V. A new emergency room is currently being fitted out in the Protestant elementary school. Staff development of €2500 is a massive help in this. “Schools and educational institutions are a fundamental construct in future training. For this reason, we are extremely proud to be able to support the Verein der Heinrich-Alberts-Schule,” explains the Brewery’s Management.

OeTTINGER wishes all employees continued success and would like to thank them for the work they have done.

About the OeTTINGER personnel development program.

More projects supported through this program.

André Funke (Bottling for the Heinrich-Albertz-Schule e.V.) and Jörg Schneider.