Award for long-standing product quality: OeTTINGER locations in Braunschweig and Mönchengladbach distinguished by the DLG

Award for long-standing product quality: OeTTINGER locations in Braunschweig and Mönchengladbach distinguished by the DLG

  • Quality
  • 26. March 2019

The test center for foodstuffs at the German Agricultural Society (DLG) has awarded OeTTINGER Brewery’s production sites in Braunschweig and Mönchengladbach the award for long-standing product quality. OeTTINGER has participated in the DLG test center for foodstuff’s international quality controls for five consecutive years and each location has won at least three awards on every occasion. Dr. Andreas Boettger, technology director at OeTTINGER Brewery, commented: “For us, this award serves not just as recognition of our products, but also as confirmation of our high standards of quality.”

OeTTINGER delegations headed up by Site Managers Jürgen Brunacker (Mönchengladbach) and Siegfried Hanisch (Braunschweig) recently accepted the awards as part of a celebratory evening in Fulda.

The OeTTINGER Brewery Group has regularly participated in DLG quality controls since as far back as 1980. During this time, it has received a total of 214 medals: 106 gold, 94 silver and 14 bronze. In addition, it has received seven Landesehrenpreise (state prizes) and four Bundesehrenpreise (federal prizes) in the foodstuffs category. OeTTINGER has also won the award for long-standing product quality yet again. For example, in 2018, the Oettingen production site was nominated for this business accolade for the sixth time.

DLG Vice-President Dr. Diedrich Harms (left) presents the award for long-standing product quality to: (from left to right) Martin Roland (Marketing Manager) and Paul Briesemeister (Deputy Quality Control Manager OeTTINGER Brewery Braunschweig).

DLG Vice-President Dr. Diedrich Harms (left) presents the award for long-standing product quality to: (from left to right) Martin Roland (Marketing Manager), Heinz Hartwigsen (Head of Quality Control) and Jürgen Brunacker (Site Manager OeTTINGER Brewery Mönchengladbach).