“Keep fit with karate for young and old”

“Keep fit with karate for young and old”

  • Engagement
  • 22. April 2019

It’s never too late to try out a new sport. This was also in Siegfried Hanisch’s mind when, as an adult, he took up karate at the Budo Sportschule Goslar e.V. The factory manager at OeTTINGER Brewery Braunschweig has now been training at the successful school for martial arts and self-defense for 16 years. “Children and young people cultivate an appreciation of sport here, while adults have an ideal way to let off steam from work and the stress of everyday life. And it is a pleasure to have voluntarily supported our sensei Akay Özdemir for so many years now”, says Hanisch.  

The fact that the training covers mind, body and soul is an aspect of martial arts that Siegfried Hanisch particularly values. It’s about perseverance, not quick success. For the sports school, integration and harmony with different nations in training and competition is particularly important: “Everyone trains together here. When you train together, your heritage, age and ability are irrelevant. This concept fascinates me. For one thing, it means that new members can integrate quickly”, Hanisch explains, before adding: “We bring multicultural martial arts to life here, and in so doing, our focus remains on Master Funakoshi’s golden rule: Karate Do begins and ends with respect.” 

The team working under Akay Özdemir, who leads the sports school, see working with children and young people as a particularly noble cause, as in today’s fast-paced culture, perseverance, discipline and willpower are exactly the values that need to be fostered in the next generation. However, this requires not only training but also financial support. This is why Siegfried Hanisch and the Budo Sportschule Goslar e.V. were so delighted with OeTTINGER Brewery Braunschweig’s generous donation of EUR 1,250 to the “Keep fit with karate for young and old” scheme. The donation means that the martial artists in Goslar will have an opportunity to upgrade their training equipment, in addition to providing children and young people with a chance to watch national and international competitions first-hand. 

Steffen Hinz from the sales department of OeTTINGER Brewery Braunschweig was also thrilled with the donation he received from thepersonnel development program. OeTTINGER has donated EUR 1,250 to VFL Schwerin sports club, one particularly close to his heart, with the intention of supporting the youth development program there.