Malt beer fans love OeTTINGER Malz

Malt beer fans love OeTTINGER Malz

  • Quality
  • 15. July 2019

The online portal for malt beer fans has rated our very own OeTTINGER Malz as the sixth-best malt beer out of 39 tested variants. Whilst 32 malt beers only received a rating of “satisfactory” or below, the jury rated our Malz as “good”.
The test sheet remarks: “The typically sweet malted flavor does not immediately explode in the mouth – very good. A gentle tangy flavor comes to the fore. OeTTINGER has greater similarities with a Pils than other malt beers, meaning that a slight sweetness lingers on the palate. Subtle hint of hops. Full-bodied malt flavor, delicate notes of caramel. Overall, a very harmonious taste profile. Minimal bitter aftertaste. Conclusion: The OeTTINGER Malz is very impressive overall and is among the very best offerings. Don’t be fooled by the low price: OeTTINGER has created a truly great malt beer.”

And, of course, we think so as well!