Dog sports in Möttingen: New training equipment for man’s best friend

Dog sports in Möttingen: New training equipment for man’s best friend

  • Engagement
  • 19. November 2019

Dogs in Möttingen are wagging their tails with glee – and their owners also have reason to be pleased. “Of course, we were all absolutely delighted when we found out that we’d won”, says Werner Schmeißer, who is representing the 130 human and furry members of Hundesport-Freunde Möttingen e.V. Since 1995, his day job has been working with OeTTINGER’s fleet of vehicles at its Oettingen location, but he has been working for the club alongside this for ten years. Now, he has won EUR 850 for his four-legged friends from the personnel development program.

Werner explains: “The most important thing is that the dogs are happy and have fun while they’re learning. This is why we will expand our association with even more great dog games and training equipment.” Every Monday and Saturday, around 25 dogs frolic around on the 2,000 m2 playground. From Australian Shepherds to Pomeranians, all dogs are welcome at the training sessions, where the four-legged friends have the opportunity to discover agility, a sport for dogs that is all about speed and independence. The aim is to navigate an obstacle course without making any mistakes. From time to time, the course changes; the obstacles that the dogs encounter include seesaws, hurdles, tunnels, slaloms and planks. Their owners encourage their canine friends and guide them alongside.

Werner says: “Building a good relationship between man and dog is something that is very close to our hearts.” And Hundesport-Freunden Möttingen has been hugely successful at it, with training sessions for all age categories: puppies, young dogs and full-grown dogs whose owners want them to take the obedience test are all prepared by seven professional trainers. The puppy classes are all about the dogs bonding with humans as well as other dogs. The dogs have fun by overcoming small obstacles. In addition, the very youngest dogs are familiarized with various surfaces such as stones, mesh and film, as well as everyday sounds. This enables the puppies to grow into self-confident young dogs and, after five months, progress to the next level. Here, the four-legged friends will undergo targeted training with their masters for walking on a lead. When the dogs reach the final age group, training is focused on the obedience test.

Werner’s daughter Anna-Lena is also active in the club: She is currently training for this test with the family golden retriever, Sammy. “The ability to learn and the trust that dogs have really fascinates me”, she enthuses. “Watching my own dog grow and playing a part in that is especially great!”

Werner also helps the club with organizing events and tries to attend training sessions on Saturdays as often as possible: “Our club values solidarity enormously: There are always lovely new people coming whom we should get to know and the different events create many great moments in our club.” The Christmas party with tasty food and a tombola is a highlight of the year. A delighted Werner says: “On behalf of Hundesport-Freunde Möttingen, I would like to once again give a huge thanks to OeTTINGER Brewery for their donation to benefit our dogs.”

A further EUR 850 from the current OeTTINGER personnel development program went each to Hans-Georg Murr, who will be supporting the Krieger- und Reservistenverein Rudelstetten (service personnel and reservists association) and Martin Dunzinger, who will be donating the funds to the volunteer fire service’s youth development program in Fünfstetten.

The OeTTINGER personnel development program – about this concept

Volunteering is no longer seen as a matter of course these days. It is therefore more important than ever that voluntary work attracts interest and is appreciated. Bearing this sentiment in mind, the company donates EUR 2,500 per quarter at each location to Oettinger employees who volunteer at local associations and organizations. These donations are intended to benefit the charitable initiatives chosen.

About the OeTTINGER personnel development program.

More projects supported through this program.

Thanks to the donations from the personnel development program, these employees can now financially support their chosen cause: (From right to left) Werner Schmeißer, Hans-Georg Murr and Martin Dunzinger with shareholder Pia Kollmar.