Brewing vat transforms ordinary roundabout into a real landmark

Brewing vat transforms ordinary roundabout into a real landmark

  • Family
  • 20. April 2021

In the early 1970s, we started working on plans to expand our brewery in Oettingen. In so doing, new brewing vats were acquired; second hand, of course. One of them dates back to 1937 – just like OeTTINGER boss Günther Kollmar! However, decades later, when the time came once again to replace our copper vats with larger stainless steel models, which are also easier to clean, Günther’s wife Ingrid had a bright idea: Why not donate the unique vintage vat to the town of Oettingen for its new roundabout? Polished and sometimes even decorated, this quirky landmark has welcomed drivers to the small Bavarian town since 2009. And by the way, beer can actually still be brewed in the vat!

A new lease of life: The decommissioned vat in the 1970s.

Polished spick and span, a copper brewing vat from the year 1937 makes a real statement as it proudly adorns the roundabout in Oettingen.