Personnel development program honors volunteering projects in Braunschweig: Assisted living organization and sports clubs are delighted to receive donations

Personnel development program honors volunteering projects in Braunschweig: Assisted living organization and sports clubs are delighted to receive donations

  • Engagement
  • 12. May 2021

For decades, volunteering has been what distinguishes our employees from others. Even though the projects they are involved in vary hugely, they all have one thing in common: They strengthen the community. This is why these projects are always worthy of support, such as from the OeTTINGER personnel development program, which has made a further set of donations at the Braunschweig site.

Rewarding a wide range of voluntary causes (from left): Technical Site Manager Siegfried Hanisch, Silvio Pielmeier (Logistics), Lutz Schödel (Production) and Werner Klug-Peters (Dispatch) as the OeTTINGER personnel development program checks are awarded in Braunschweig.

Silvio Pielmeier (Logistics) is supporting the assisted living organization Helmstedt-Wolfenbüttel with EUR 1,000 from the OeTTINGER personnel development program in order to help people with physical and mental disabilities. The organization, which is an important port of call for people affected by disabilities, will invest the money in massage chairs, raised flower beds, and augmentative and alternative communication aids. 

Lutz Schödel (Production) is using his donation worth EUR 750 to help young and talented anglers. The Angel-Club 66 e.V. Köthen aims to use his donation to organize a youth camp for the young people in the group – as soon as this is possible again.

Thanks to the donation won by Werner Klug-Peters (Dispatch), Lehndorfer TSV 1893 e.V. can soon look forward to an upgrade to its training equipment. The EUR 750 will likely even be enough for an added extra: The TSV will also be able to fulfill its long-held wish for a training uniform.  

Technical Site Manager Siegfried Hanisch says: “The voluntary projects that our employees take part in are very varied, but they always foster a sense of community spirit in the region. This is not a matter of course and always excites us every quarter. We would like to thank the winners of the OeTTINGER personnel development program for their outstanding commitment!”

Many congratulations to the latest winners of the OeTTINGER personnel development program at our Braunschweig brewery site!

About the OeTTINGER personnel development program.

More projects supported through this program.