Strong brand: OeTTINGER impresses again as “customer favorite”

Strong brand: OeTTINGER impresses again as “customer favorite”

  • Engagement
  • 17. June 2021

This year, we have once again secured a place on the winners’ podium: For the third consecutive time, we have been recognized as customer favorite in a study carried out by FocusMoney/Deutschlandtest, taking second place in the “Beer” category!

With around 300 DLG awards and prizes for long-standing product quality, 9 regional prizes and 5 federal prizes, for decades, OeTTINGER drinks have won award after award.

Peter Böck, Marketing and Sales Director, comments: “This is fantastic recognition and praise for our daily work! It shows that we impress our customers not only with our high product quality: Above all, over the course of the year, we have been able to show who we are and what makes OeTTINGER unique, without any traditional advertising or sponsoring. However, most importantly of all, our drinks simply taste delicious!” 

What makes a “customer favorite?

Along with the business magazine Focus Money and the Institute for Management and Economic Research (IMWF), Deutschlandtest has again carried out a large-scale survey in order to investigate which brands are especially popular with the German people. Around 20,000 brands and businesses from the four categories of Everyday, Career, Leisure and Technology were examined for the 2021 study. A complex procedure was used to collect data: First, defined search terms were used to search various internet sources, before text, online news and social media content, among other aspects, were recorded in a database. Key areas of investigation were value for money, service, quality and reputation. Recognition as a customer favorite is both proof of a brand’s popularity and an important yardstick to compare against the competition. 

This repeat recognition and ranking among the top five beer brands in Germany are a testament to the success of our interactive customer communication on our online channels: The number of subscribers to OeTTINGER’s Facebook and Instagram pages is constantly growing. Our website is also hugely popular; it was visited around 2.9 million times over the past year.