The quarterly personnel development program at the OeTTINGER Brewery site in Mönchengladbach is supporting children and young people on this occasion. One of the projects we are backing was proposed by our employee Horst Schiffer from the bottling department, who has a passion for the Scout Movement. As such, he was especially delighted to receive a donation of EUR 1,250 on behalf of his scout group, namely the Stamm (unit) St. Schiefbahn of the German Scouting Association Saint George (Deutsche Pfadfinderschaft Sankt Georg; DPSG). The money will be put toward purchasing equipment, games and tents for the group’s cub scouts and cubs, not forgetting the other sections too! After all, scouts the world over should always “Be Prepared”.
Christian Schröer, who works in maintenance at the Mönchengladbach brewery, also received a donation of EUR 1,250. He will use the money to support the booster club Farbenfroh e.V. at St. Andreas Catholic kindergarten in Korschenbroich, which his daughter attends. The money will be used to buy new play equipment, which is bound to bring a smile to the children’s faces!
The symbolic donation checks were presented by OeTTINGER Site Manager Jürgen Brunacker, who says: “It is always an absolute pleasure to hand over these huge checks on behalf of OeTTINGER Brewery as part of the personnel development program, especially when the money is supporting worthwhile projects aimed at promoting the well-being of children and young people.”