What do the words breakdance, bank robbery and dog biscuits all have in common? The answer to this hypothetical question: The latest episode of the “Neubert Experiment”, brought to you by our multimedia satire collaboration partner Postillion 24!
In this episode, anchorman Thieß Neubert submits himself to hypnotherapy. He is convinced that his healthy dose of self-confidence will be enough to withstand the magical powers of the experienced hypnotist. However, things don’t quite turn out as he expects, with the prospect of ending up in jail overshadowing the experiment. But for whom? Watch the show to find out for yourselves!
By the way: Around three million people so far have watched the experimental short films produced as part of the OeTTINGER-Postillon24 collaboration – on YouTube, Instagram and Facebook. But all good things must come to an end: The successful series will sadly come to a close at the end of this year.