Don’t miss out on the WirtschaftsWoche podcast episode with our CEO Stefan Blaschak. It’s deals with changes in the beer market, changes at OeTTINGER GETRÄNKE, and how individual moments can change your whole life.

You can listen to the podcast on any of the following platforms:
And if you just can’t wait to find out what our CEO has to say, here are a few highlights:
- The beer industry has to face up to facts: We had an enjoyable ride for quite some time but neglected to think about the future.
At OeTTINGER GETRÄNKE, we are now putting that right and have positioned the company to ensure that we can offer customers the products of tomorrow. - Nutrition is of particular importance to younger generations. We are seeking to position ourselves as first movers in this segment with our ready-to-drink protein drinks. The segment involving OeDrinks and JoyBräu is set to experience dynamic growth.
- The “Made in Germany” label is worth more abroad than at home.
- At the end of the day, it’s the customer who decides.
- I am definitely anticipating that the beer market will consolidate. Shrinking markets tend to move towards consolidation.
- Some breweries will disappear. And we’re definitely not one of them.
To hear more, make sure that you tune in to the full podcast!