Golden wheat: DLG Award for the OeTTINGER Brewery

Golden wheat: DLG Award for the OeTTINGER Brewery

  • Quality
  • 14. July 2016

The German Agricultural Society presents DLG Gold, Silver and Bronze awards to food manufacturers. All the award-winning products have to pass laboratory tests as well as packaging and labelling tests. The sensory quality (smell and taste) of the product is crucial in terms of a Gold, Silver or Bronze award.
The purity of taste, stability of taste, quality of the bitter, full-bodiedness, freshness of the product and foam retention are the criteria examined with beers. Only products that meet all the test criteria without any faults are presented with a DLG Gold award.
The OeTTINGER Brauerei GmbH submitted its Dunkles Hefeweizen Naturtrüb, brewed in Oettingen, for the DLG Test and was awarded the Gold award.

“Outstanding” brewing craftsmanship. Martin Lechner (Master Brewer, on left), Pia Kollmar and Frank Eisenblätter (Head of Quality Assurance) are proud to have received a further certificate.