Special donations for good causes: 40 payouts of EUR 500 for projects close to our employees’ hearts

Special donations for good causes: 40 payouts of EUR 500 for projects close to our employees’ hearts

  • Engagement
  • 4. February 2022

Kindergartens, sport clubs and cultural sites are just some of the beneficiaries of the generous donations offered under the OeTTINGER Brewery personnel development program, which for many years now has supported colleagues who volunteer at clubs and organizations in the areas surrounding our breweries. In light of the huge number of applications we have received from Oettingen and Walldorf since 2014, we have now decided to make some special donations. In total, 40 voluntary projects have been supported to the tune of EUR 500 each.

Brewery boss Pia Kollmar says: “Over 400 employees work at the brewery headquarters in Oettingen and our logistics center in Walldorf: That’s almost half of the entire workforce across all our sites. Many of these people are involved in voluntary work in their free time. As part of our commitment to sustainability and society as a whole, we are of course delighted to continue supporting local voluntary projects and truly value the diversity of the selected projects.”

OeTTINGER an enthusiastic advocate of volunteering

Let us introduce you now to four employees representing local voluntary projects, who each received a check worth EUR 500 as part of the special donations.

One of the lucky winners was Martin Oberhauser (Bottling). He is an active member of the UL aircraft club Turtelberg-Fliegern Geilsheim and will spend the money on a cylinder lawnmower for the upkeep of the runway.

Stefan Rauer (Bottling) also had cause for celebration. He will be using his donation to help the Verein Glühwürmchen, as association based in Tapfheim that supports children suffering from cancer and other serious/chronic illnesses as well as their families.

A further EUR 500 is going to the Donau-Ries Authors’ Association, in which Günter Schäfer (IT Department) participates with his own writing projects. He reached out to this project in order to help foster the next generation of writing talent in the region.

With Marie Engelhardt (Accounts Payable), things are getting musical! She is a member of the town orchestra D‘Riaser Oettingen e.V. and also has her sights set on developing and promoting the next generation of talent.

About the OeTTINGER personnel development program.

More projects supported through this program.

The winners of the special donations from the OeTTINGER Personnel Development Program from the North Operating Division with brewery boss Pia Kollmar (left).

All winners of the special donations in Oettingen and Walldorf

Jürgen Greß (Sudhaus / Blaskapelle Lehmingen)
Oliver Bosch (Betriebsrat / TSV Oettingen 1861)
Claudia Jung (Debitoren / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hainsfarth)
Hubert Haf (Ladekommando / Liederkranz Unterschneidheim)
Andreas Husel (Fuhrpark / SpVgg Deiningen Abt. Tischtennis/Jugend)
Ralf Erdle (Fuhrpark / Schützenverein Lohengrin Munningen)
Markus Eichhorn (Schlosserei / TSV Röckingen)
Martin Oberhauser (Füllerei / Turtelberg-Flieger Geilsheim)
Peter Großmann (Füllerei / Bayern Fanclub BFC 1980 Nord-Ries)
Timo Saur (Fuhrpark / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Fürnheim)
Helmut Ehrhardt (Versand / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Hohenaltheim)
Martin Rauwolf (Fuhrpark / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Wallerstein)
Willi Gebhard (Fuhrpark / Krieger- und Reservistenverein Munningen)
Uwe Kirchenbaur (Versand / Krieger- und Reservistenverein Herblingen)
Siegfried Häckel (Fuhrpark / Fördergemeinschaft Montessori-Schule Deiningen)
Günter Schäfer (EDV / Autorenclub Donau-Ries)
Stefan Rauer (Abfüllung / Glühwürmchen e. V.)
Georg Merz (Fuhrpark / Sport- und Kulturverein Benzenzimmern 1981 e. V.)
Lorenz Steinhardt (Sudhaus Nord / Kapellenschützen Hechlingen)
Barbara Lechner (Personalreferat / Kindertagesstätte „Kleine Freunde“ Maihingen)
Michael Schiffelholz (EDV / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Huisheim)
Diana Seidenfus (Personalabteilung / Musikverein Maihingen)
Thomas Walter (Elektroabteilung / SV Megesheim)
Georg Wiedemann (Elektroabteilung / FC Pfäfflingen / Dürrenzimmern)
Hannes Bayerlein (Abfüllung / TSV Röckingen)
Marie Engelhardt (Kreditoren / Stadtkapelle „D‘ Riaser“ Oettingen)
Thomas Fischer (Fuhrpark / Fuchsbau Birkhausen)
Hans-Peter Maurer (Ladekommando Walldorf / Obdachlosen- und Bedürftigenhilfe e. V.)
Bernd Becke (Fuhrpark / Schützenverein Bavaria Megesheim)
Isabell und Reinhold König (Abfüllung und Auszubildender / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Heidenheim)
Renate Meilbeck (TVV / Kindergarten Munningen)
Jörg Holnsteiner (Füllerei / Sportverein FC Geilsheim)
Sebastian Pusch (Abfüllung / Pfadfinder Wallerstein)
Ralf Lechner (Elektroabteilung / Kindergarten Alerheim)
Ludwig Thum (Schlosserei / Schützen- und Sportverein Auhausen)
Katharina Altenburger (Personalreferat / Volleyballverein Marktoffingen)
Sandra Schachner (Kreditoren / Musikkapelle Dornstadt)
Sylvie Scholl (Versand Walldorf / Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde)
Ariane Kögel (Debitoren / Förderverein Ehemalige Schüler AEG Oettingen)
Markus Klehr (Fuhrpark / Freiwillige Feuerwehr Gaiberg)
Ralf Link (Fuhrpark / Dachzeltnomaden Hilfsorganisation Ahrtal)

Winners of the special donations from the OeTTINGER Personnel Development Program from the South Operating Division with Brewery Boss Pia Kollmar (right) on the famous “blue crates”.