Once again, our brewery is setting a fantastic example when it comes to sustainability with the launch of our OeTTINGER Returnable Month of May campaign. The purpose of the initiative is to raise greater awareness of how to correctly dispose of empty reusable bottles. In so doing, we are seeking to respond to the shortage of empty bottles that often poses problems for breweries over the summer months.
At the heart of the OeTTINGER Returnable Month of May initiative are two competitions that we are launching on our Facebook and Instagram pages, with two sets of 20 vintage Original OeTTINGER shirts up for grabs. Anyone with a passion for sustainability can take part: Associations, teams, friendship groups, housemates, or individuals.
Collecting for a good cause
The aim of the OeTTINGER Returnable Month of May is to highlight the importance of this issue and to raise awareness among consumers in the process. For this reason, both competitions will be accompanied by handy hints and tips on disposing of reusable cans and bottles in the correct, sustainable way. For example, one useful tip is that empty bottles should not be placed in trash cans, as this removes them from the recycling lifecycle and consigns them to a premature end at the bottle bank. We also remind consumers that we refer to the white neck rings on some reusable bottles as “sustainability rings” for good reason – after all, the clearer the rings, the more times the bottle has been through the recycling lifecycle.
Recycling lifecycle impaired by “foreign” bottles
Our internal project “Single Origin Empty Bottles” also forms part of the OeTTINGER Returnable Month of May initiative. The problem with the shortage of empty bottles that all our sites face is not only caused by a lack of bottles in the first place, but also by a high proportion of “foreign” bottles, i.e., those from other brands: These customized bottles that feature embossed glass designs or swing tops cannot be processed by breweries that use standard reusable bottles, and must be put through a laborious sorting process before finally being exchanged. This results in avoidable environmental damage and increased costs. As part of a Germany-wide initiative, we are striving to ensure that the number of non-OeTTINGER bottles that are returned to OeTTINGER breweries is kept to an absolute minimum.
SHORT VIDEOS (in German)
Just how long does a reusable bottle last?
Standard bottles instead of individual bottles
No trash in reusable bottles
Dispose of crown caps in the proper manner
Let’s all do our bit when sorting empties!
Why it is important to return your deposit bottles.
When do reusable bottles and crates need to be sorted?
For more information about the Returnable Month of May campaign, please see our Instagram and Facebook pages.