Trainee brewers take a tour of OeTTINGER in Mönchengladbach

Trainee brewers take a tour of OeTTINGER in Mönchengladbach

  • General
  • 21. August 2023

In the middle of August, one of the two second year classes for trainee brewers and maltsters at Fritz-Henßler-Berufskolleg (FHBK), a vocational college based in Dortmund, again had the opportunity to visit our OeTTINGER site in Mönchengladbach and see first-hand how things work. During the visit, the students toured the brewhouse and were introduced to the membrane filtration system and fully automated pilot brewery, which offers an output of 170-220 liters of beer per brew.

Trainee brewers and maltsters from North Rhine-Westphalia pictured together with (front, sitting; from left to right) class tutor Maik Maaß and Master Brewer Moritz Krech

Master brewer Moritz Krech accompanied the budding brewers on their tour, as they were offered insights into the special technological processes implemented at the brewery. For example, Krech was on hand to explain all about the OeTTINGER Progressive Pressure Cooking System. This was actually developed in Mönchengladbach and helps our brewery to achieve thermal energy savings of around 20% without compromising on essential quality parameters. Our Master Brewer in Mönchengladbach also showcased the Brewrunner system, a smart process for brewing sequences developed in conjunction with Krones, the beverage industry technology specialists. This innovative system also helps to generate significant savings in thermal and electrical energy, with those all-important quality parameters again taken into account. Moritz Krech praised the trainees taking part in the tour for being “receptive in their ability to recognize and interpret technological processes so quickly”, before adding that: “We need highly qualified young talents!”

Sausages and fresh bread rolls were laid on for the students, who also enjoyed some refreshment in the form of a couple of original OeTTINGER beers, expertly poured and served by Meinolf Saure, Head of Visitor Management. Once the group had been fed and watered, they set off for the train station to head back to Dortmund – accompanied by some OeTTINGER goodies to keep them going and to make the return journey slightly more enjoyable!

The vocational students were highly attentive throughout the day, showing great interest in all aspects of the tour – and learning a lot in the process. The group was particularly impressed by the pilot brewery, with tutor Maik Maaß concluding: “I am always amazed by the technology and expertise at Mönchengladbach!”