60 years at OeTTINGER: Top boss and iron lady Ingrid Kollmar

60 years at OeTTINGER: Top boss and iron lady Ingrid Kollmar

  • Videos
  • 12. September 2023

After tying the knot in 1963, Ingrid Kollmar moved to Oettingen to start married life with her husband Günther Kollmar, who at this time was Managing Director of OeTTINGER Brewery. That was 60 years ago now. Since then, Ingrid Kollmar has dedicated her entire life to our OeTTINGER brewery. And today is her birthday. In this video, Ingrid Kollmar takes a trip down memory lane to look back upon the past six decades.

Our brewery in the early 1960s, when Ingrid Kollmar first arrived in Oettingen.unsere Brauerei Anfang der 1960er aus, als Ingrid Kollmar nach Oettingen kam.