OeTTINGER ranks among Bavaria’s best breweries

OeTTINGER ranks among Bavaria’s best breweries

  • Quality
  • 21. September 2023

OeTTINGER has of course made itself at home in both North Rhine-Westphalia and Lower Saxony. However, our roots are in the Bavarian town of Oettingen. For this reason, the online edition of the daily newspaper Münchner Merkur (available at merkur.de) recently had OeTTINGER on its radar when announcing its selection of Bavaria’s best breweries.
In a multi-part photo series, merkur.de showcased a total of 14 Bavarian breweries dotted throughout the region. In so doing, readers were afforded a brief overview of the diversity of Bavaria’s regional beer culture. In fact, according to Bayerischer Brauerbund, the association of the Bavarian brewing industry, more than 600 breweries are active in Bavaria at present. This accounts for nearly half of all breweries in Germany as a whole.

Source: screenshot from merkur.de