“No subject is off limits” – OeTTINGER CEO Stefan Blaschak on the GetränkeZeitung podcast

“No subject is off limits” – OeTTINGER CEO Stefan Blaschak on the GetränkeZeitung podcast

  • Family
  • 11. December 2023

A “very funny talk”. That was how Pierre Pfeiffer, Editor in Chief of GetränkeZeitung, described the podcast interview with our CEO. But that is to be expected with Stefan Blaschak, who reveals all, doesn’t mince his words, and explains just what the score is with the strategic repositioning at OeTTINGER – all with a brilliant humorous touch! Have a listen – 55 minutes of top entertainment that will certainly have you laughing!

Listen to the GetränkeZeitung “Chefsache” podcast here.

OeTTINGER CEO Stefan Blaschak