Exceptional quality at fair prices – this is the hallmark of our products. The latest value-for-money standings for this year produced by the business newspaper Handelsblatt once again reflects the sheer popularity of OeTTINGER among consumers: In fact, we have yet again secured an excellent result of second place in the “Beer” category.
“We offer incredible beers at genuinely amazing prices. This is part and parcel of OeTTINGER’s tradition and, simply put, it shapes our self-perception,” comments CEO Stefan Blaschak. “For this reason, we are using quality and fairness to define our future too. Of course, this also extends to the future of our drinks – starting with our classic beers and beer-mix drinks, as well as our lemonades, Fassbrause drinks and ice teas, all the way through to our range of functional drinks offered under our new innovation brand Oe. And by the way, consumers won’t have to wait much longer for the first Oe products, as these will be available from May,” Blaschak adds.
The Handelsblatt brand rankings are based on the brand index of the market research and data analytics firm YouGov. To this end, several thousand consumers in Germany are asked for their opinions on more than 900 different brands every day. However, it is not only consumers that have been impressed by OeTTINGER, with independent experts also regularly attesting to the quality of our products. In this context, our brewery locations have already received over 300 awards for top product quality from the German Agricultural Society (DLG), in addition to 12 regional and five federal awards.