Girls’Day at OeTTINGER GETRÄNKE: A look back

Girls’Day at OeTTINGER GETRÄNKE: A look back

  • Herausfordern
  • 26. April 2024

To celebrate Girls’Day on April 25, we opened our doors to nine girls at our Oettingen, Braunschweig, and Mönchengladbach sites. On Girls’Day, female students had the chance to find out about careers in which women are currently the minority: These are mainly roles in areas such as IT, manual trades, natural sciences, and technology.

At OeTTINGER GETRÄNKE, the students found out about the company in general, as well as gaining a sense of careers as a brewer and maltster and food technology specialist in particular. We kicked off Girls’Day at each site with a presentation about the company, followed by a tour of the premises. Here, the girls gained a fascinating insight into how we manufacture our drinks – i.e. the career of a brewer and maltster – and also learned about bottling and storage.

It was particularly interesting to see how the beer and various drinks are manufactured and then filled in cans and bottles, as well as the masses of drinks that pass through our bottling plants. Seeing all the blue crates and the huge quantity of drinks in the warehouse, in addition to how the crates are picked by the forklift drivers, also made a huge impression.

Afterwards, the girls learned all about the working life of a food technology specialist in the lab. They got to look at yeast under the microscope, titrate water, and, using a recipe and a variety of raw materials, mix their own drink to see what it tastes like when you leave the sugar out, or when you might have added too much citric acid by accident!  

All in all, the day was a roaring success. The girls, who were aged between 12 and 14, had the opportunity to experiment and get hands-on experience, as well as gain fascinating insights into the technical departments at OeTTINGER GETRÄNKE.